Medical Services
NovoMed Integrative Medicine Center offers treatment for patients from around the world with chronic
infectious diseases that are resistant to antibiotics and other current therapies. The foundation of the clinic
is based on our extensive experience in the application of phage therapy for the surgical treatment of infections.
Our clinic specializes in treating non-healing wounds, osteomyelitis, chronic infections and antibiotic-
resistant infections.
Treatment includes:
1. Bacteriological tests. We collect bacterial isolates and characterize species and strains of the
infectious bacteria involved. We examine medical records and history of the patient and formulate
an individual treatment program.
2. Selection of appropriate bacteriophages that match the patient's infection.
3. Organization of the arrival trip. We help patients and accompanying persons to organize their
trip to the clinic where treatment is administered. We can, if requested, advise and make
reservations at a hotel that meets the patient's budget requirements; help with visas (where
necessary). Help arrange for transportation to and from the airport, and between the hotel and
4. Performance of other appropriate medical procedures. We secure other medical services for
the patients as required, including consultations with qualified doctors and other medical staff,
appropriate surgical procedures (such as preparation of the wound site for administration of
phages), and so forth.
5. Follow up with patient at the medical site. We monitor the progress of the patient's condition
during the application of phage therapy and prepare the patient for the return trip home.
6. Continued contact with patients in order to follow their progress.